So, one day I was browing the internet, and suddenly a pop-up popped up and went "PLAY NEW TOBY FOX UNDERTALE GAME (*TotallyNotAVirus Downloader Required, Must also give credit card information."). So, I played it, and experienced the pinnacle of modern gaming, a true masterpiece for the ages, and IF YOU DON'T THINK SO WITH ME YOUR A TERRIBLE PERSON AND AN IDIOT ( You know I'm tlaking to you, John. consider us no longer friends. Go play your stupid games, like Wolfinstyen: The New Order, and Saints Row 4.) So, then after doing the Pacifist route (Which, BTW, is the only route you're allowed to ever take ever and if you kill a single thing you're literally worse than hitler) I did Genocide so Sans-Senpai can have a Bad Time all over my face. I killed everyone, and fought Undyne, and she said "Better watch out. You'll die to him if you keep going any further. He wants your blood" But it seems that the game changed a bit in the newest patch, as Undyne didn't melt into dust, but had her flesh slowly peeled from her skin, screaming in agony. Blood flew everywhere, until all that was left was a human skull. "But, Undyne's a fish, not a human." I said to myself for no reason because I was thinking it anyway, but I thought it was a glitch with the game and continued on. I finally reached Sans, But instead of Sans being normal and his casual self, he stared at me with single red dots from his eyes, like the terrifying and timeless tale of Sonic.exe. He said "I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS, BUT I HAVE TO NOW YOU'VE ABBUSED US FOR TO LONG AND NOW YOU WILL DIE, YOU WORTHLESS KILLER". I then saw Sans battle sprite. it was bleeding everywhere, and its arm was torn off, and he still had those eyes. every movement he made made a sloshing sound (Because of all the blood inside him). I cried for 5 minutes seeing him. The music was the regular battle theme except it was reversed, slowed down, filled with demonic voices, and occasionally played the scream sound from FNAF, exect also slowed down, reversed, and filled with demonic voices. He only did one attack, and it was the sure death attack from when he spared you, except you instantly died, but the game over sequence never started. You could hear blood spilling and gurgling sounds. The heart icon was constantly bleeding blood. You could here Frisk begging to just kill him, and then sans said "NO YOU CAN'T GET MERCY BECASUE YOU NEVER GAME ANY TO MY BROTHER I WEAR HIS SCARF AND CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP EVERY DAY HE DIES AND THEN YOU KEEP RESETTING AND PREVENTING EVERYONE FROM BEING HAPPY NOW DIE" and then Frisk dies, and it showed real images of people dying, and Sans mutilating them becasue they played the Genocide route, and then it showed a picture of my room and AAAAHHH SANS IS TRIYN TO MURDERS ME AHHHHHAWHSNSDKWSGNWDANFEANFJAWEDFWJAJAERFHNAEKNGJKSNRGASBKKFEBAFAUWDHSCJDACMKDWKLWPAVNEOFNKMGKMERSMKDRMKRFKTHKKODTGKOKOTGNAENWDWMDAOWDMAWODKAWDAEGFDRTHDYHDFMKTMGHRSOMEOFMDSHERSNDOFNDFPESNDPGNENFDFGKFGMSEFMEAFJAOGDMSFOS
Hi there. This is Sans. I murder people who do the Genocide route now becasue killing people in a video game is the equivalent to Murdering human beings. It's the same thing, trust me, I also kill people who run anythign other than True Pacifist, the only ending to the game, ever.
This is my character now because It's super scary and stuff. So I guess I'll kill you for reading this or something. Uh, don't look behind you, I guess. If you have a wall, could you get up out of your chair and walk to a place where something could be behind you and then not look behind you whatever you do if you want to live? Thanks, I appreciate it.